Devonshire Collective, Eastbourne
25 November 2023 — 4 February 2024
Dan Guthrie: Two Films installed at VOLT, Devonshire Collective, 2023. Photos: Rob Harris
Two Films is a double bill of moving image works by Dan Guthrie presented at VOLT in a custom screening environment. Made against the backdrop of an ongoing conversation about representation in Guthrie’s hometown of Stroud, Coaley Peak (A Fragment) and black strangers look at archival traces of Black presences in Gloucestershire by taking a family photo and an eighteenth century burial listing as respective starting points.
Accompanying the exhibition is a newly commissioned text written by Siavash Minoukadeh, Acting in Whispers, which reflects on the eerie undertones in Guthrie’s practice as both product of rurality and method for creating space in absence.
Click here to read Siavash’s text.
Coaley Peak (A Fragment) was commissioned by Exeter Phoenix.
black strangers was commissioned by Independent Cinema Office and LUX for Right of Way, supported by the BFI Film Audience Network and Arts Council England.